Friends and family are checking in frequently about the status of mom to be. Meanwhile you’re busy preparing your home by painting or rearranging a room to accommodate a changing table and other sizable, “must-have” items. Perhaps you find yourself noticing different stroller brands, cribs, swings and a host of other baby products that you’re pretty sure your parents never used when you were a child.
Have you and your spouse formed a birth plan for the delivery? Is paternity leave an option? How will you handle a baby that might not sleep well? Can you assist with breastfeeding and bottle preparation? These are questions all expecting parents begin to ask themselves. Yet where do you fall in this shuffle? What’s expected of you as a father? Surely it’s more than the stereotypical lesson on how to ride a bike. As gender roles continue to play less and less a role at home and in the workplace, dad’s are finally being recognized as shared caregivers with equal voices in parenting. In this workshop we’ll discuss baby products, your birth plan, the first three months of your child’s life as well as the evolving role of fathers.