Modern Dads
"Episode 2: Freedom"
Thank you to Tommy and the rest of staff at Little Groove for the great music classes.
Fruitvale Station
It is my belief that fathers are some of the most influential men on the planet. And this story focuses on a dedicated, loving father with a troubled past. This is a true and tragic tale told well by young director Ryan Coogler. It had great acting by Michael B. Jordan and was made with a modest budget of less than a $1m. I can't say anything further about the film without spoiling it. Just know that it's worth seeing and supporting now while it's in the theaters. If you're like me and crave good filmmaking this is one way to reward it's practice.
This morning was a pleasant one up until this point. In typical fashion I headed to the fridge to make her a bottle before making her morning oatmeal. After grabbing the milk from the fridge (on the way to the counter) the suicidal milk carton brushed my thigh, jumped out of my hands, and spilled it's full worth onto the ground (%$#)! Why this sucks..
1) It's the beginning of the day and now I have a pretty substantial clean up on my hands. Not a fun way to start our morning. 1A) Plus I needed to continue to prepare her food while keeping an impatient and inevitably thirsty munchkin happy.
2) The realization that this floor will now require a full wipe down with the "special" cleaner for hardwoods.
3) Organic milk is not cheap but still a very necessary substitute considering all the rBGH and other chemicals that are now found in "regular" milk.
4) I need to change my right sock.
In the end this spill was #NotNinjaLike at all.
Watching the rain..
"The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain." Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"I'm not a ninja."
A little more than a year ago, my first and only child was born. I recall her mother telling me: “You need to be quieter. Close the bedroom door without making any noise and don’t scuff your feet or you'll wake the baby.” Our little girl lay asleep in her bed not more than six feet away on the other side of this often creaky door. I remember my whispered reply as I gently pulled the door closed: “I’m not a ninja.” But apparently, my best attempt at being quiet was not enough. And so begins my story.
Or shall I say, our journey…