Sex, Spice and Acupressure?

by James Mahaffey

Currently I have a few friends that are expecting their first child in the upcoming months.  And so I decided to write this post about the final hours leading up to my significant other's water breaking.  Keep in mind she was determined to deliver our first child with her doctor.  


Tuesday of that week our doctor told us she was scheduled to deliver babies at our hospital that Thursday and that if we wanted to deliver with her (and not with some other doctor we've never met) it would need to happen Thursday.  We went home and begin to make a plan.  We heard the rumors that having sex, walking or eating spicy foods could help induce labor.  So we tried all three and none seemed to work.  


By Wednesday evening there were still no signs of her water breaking.  So I went online and looked up other methods to "induce labor".   I quickly came across a video that claimed it could help you induce labor with acupressure.  So we watched the video together and I performed the simple moves on her hands and ankles.  She sat on my lap and we went back to watching movie trailers on the computer (one of my favorite past times.)  Well what do you know?  Within 20-30 minutes her water broke while sitting on my lap.  This was Wednesday night.  

So we went to sleep because we wanting to labor at home as much as possible, woke up the next morning (Thursday) and she delivered the baby at 7:30pm that night with her doctor. Mind you she was also politely notified by the wonderful nurses who had been assisting with her labor that their shift was ended at 7:30pm and that a new set of nurses would be coming in then.  And she very quickly delivered before the 7:30 deadline.  So maybe this story is really about my S.O.'s mind-body control.   True story.